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Ida Hammer Beginner Hoof Trimming

Instructor starts with a complete discussion of all the parts of the hoof and their function.
Each participating student will have a cadaver leg, which they will assess and map before trimming.
The trimming will begin step by step applying the correct trim to the individual hoof, with focus on proper tool handling and techniques used in the field. 
After the students have finished their trim, they will be given the opportunity to explore their hoof, to identify vital structures and the perimeters of which one must stay within to achieve optimal soundness.
We will finish with a dissection to further explore the anatomy of the distal limb.

Students are encouraged to read
Pete Rameys articles on  and or purchase his DVD's
Under the Horse.

The Essential Hoof Book is highly recommended! 

August 25

Equi-First Aid Instructor Training

September 16

Ida Hammer Intermediate Hoof Trimming