Welcome to the

Wonderful World of Horses!

Connecting with horses is a hands-on experience providing the opportunity for individuals to seek life movement in a positive, safe environment through the support of others.

Have you ever questioned what it would be like to be fully present in everything around you?

Being present is a place where you are not stuck in the past, or fearful of the future; it is a plce of being at true peace for what is and what is to come.

Passionate Reins for Change, LLC offers the opportunity to see things from a different perspective; from the eyes, ears, hooves and body of a prey animal, the horse.

“Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A chord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

Ecclesiastes 4:12

Kind Words

  • Passionate Reins for Change has changed my life forever. Over many years and phases of my life, PRC has always been an amazing outlet for me to expres my thoughts and feelings in a completely judgement-free zone, whether it be with the horses or Linda. I have learned many different life skills (such as mindfulness, gratitude, patience, grace etc.) which have positively impacted my relationships with others and myself. Without PRC I can confidently say that I wouldn't know where I would be through my individual relationships with the horses, I have healed many parts of myself, and I am able to look back an appreciate all I have gone through. I am continuously grateful for PRC and their abundant knowledge, support, understanding and love for their clients and horses.

    Gabrielle R.

  • Working with horses and equine therapy not only changed my life, but saved it. I left an abusive marriage, and I was greatly struggling. The horses taught me how to trust once again in others and myself, how to have healthy boundaries, and help me gain confidence in my decision making.

    Hannah E.